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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Glass Menagerie Essay -- Literary Analysis, Tennessee Williams
Tennessee William’s â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†and John Updike’s â€Å"A and P†are the two stories of anguishing repression and possible getaway. Tom and Sammy are caught in a spot where they work away their reality, unfit to slip away from their hopeless conditions because of a contradicting power holding them hostage. Their families depend on them to acquire what salary they can, and neither Sammy nor Tom wishes to let down those ward upon him. Both have occupations which are steady and conceivably deep rooted; in any case, they want fervor and opportunity as opposed to the ceaseless schedules to which they are bound. The men are dejected in the conditions to which they are limited, and it requires an impetus to start the desire to get free. Experiencing a change which makes them fully aware of a world that lies past the constrained existences of persecution they recently drove, they make the troublesome progress to more noteworthy individual flexibilit y. Complete freedom is just accomplished by Sammy, in any case; Tom is truly free yet left with the memory of his dear sister Laura, perpetually restricting his heart to the home he once knew. Sammy and Tom are compelled to dreary employments which need addition or prize; their sicken of the workplace and the individuals who hold them prisoner is clear. Sammy needs regard for the clients, whom he assesses to be â€Å"sheep pushing their trucks down the aisle†(Updike 1493). He portrays his chief, Lengel, as a â€Å"very patient and old and gray†(Updike 1496) man who is â€Å"pretty dreary†(Updike 1495) †a director with a dry character which coordinates that of the store itself. The An and P is a store which runs on strategy, similar to a clock whose apparatuses are relied upon to interlock and snap away consistently yet are of no worth independently. Feeling ... ...u behind me, yet I am more reliable than I expected to be! I †¦[do]†¦anything that can blow your candles out!†(Williams 97). While he has accomplished an opportunity in the feeling of room and funds, he is as yet pulled back home by the steady however of his sister whom he cherished profoundly. He feels a feeling of regret for being one more man to surrender Laura, a weight that Sammy doesn't convey on the grounds that he left just an occupation, not his family. Both Sammy and Tom are freed from the forsaken circumstances they wind up in, however Sammy discovers his activities to prompt an increasingly hopeful future while Tom can just choose not to move on. They discover that life can't be lived dependent on the wants of others, nor can an occupation be exclusively for financial additions; there must be objectives toward which to walk. Just when they understand this are they ready to discover genuine opportunity throughout everyday life.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reflection on Ojibwe and Blackfoot
Question: Examine about the Reflection on Ojibwe and Blackfoot. Answer: Presentation: History says that the Ojibwe are an Anishinaabeg gathering of individuals living in North America. It very well may be discovered that this gathering of individuals lives in Canada and the United States and are one of the biggest indigenous ethnic gatherings in that place. Also, in Canada, they are the second biggest First Nations populace, outperformed uniquely by the Cree. I have discovered that the Ojibwe individuals customarily have communicated in the Ojibwe language and they are the piece of the Council of Three Fires (Nesper, 2012). Ojibwes are basically a forests people. It is important to specify here that I have seen that Chippewa Indians are also known as the Ojibwe and they talk an alternate kind of the Algonquian words and are personally related to the Ottawa and Potawatomi Indians. Altogether, Ojibwe implies Ottawa, Potawatomi and some other Algonquian people groups. From the point by point perceptions, I have discovered that Ojibwe or the forest Chippewas were commonly the cultivating individuals and they used to collect wild rice and corn, angling, chasing minimal game alongside social affair nuts too natural products (Craig, 2015). Aside from that, I have discovered that the Plains Ojibwes were wild creature huntsman and prior bison meat made up the vast majority of their cut back. Research works and the reports state that in the mid-seventeenth century, there were close around 35,000 Ojibwe on the landmass and with the development of time, the number has expanded. History says that the Ojibwe used to consider themselves the Anishinabeg, for example first or the first individuals (Nesper, 2012). By and by, I have discovered that the Ojibwe individuals are confronting a few issues like monetary extension for falling the pace of joblessness, the assurance of the wild rice business from the beneficial cultivators, unrivaled restorative administration for battling affliction like liquor abuse, diabetes. Better organization of the characteristic assets, fortress of understanding rights and achievement of autonomy just as enlarged significance on advanced education to show specialists alongside redesigning the instru ctive ties (Craig, 2015). Reflection on Blackfoot The Blackfoot, who are too named as Blackfeet, Indians were essentially a nomad American Indian ethnic gathering that movements from the Great Lakes Region toward the North western piece of the United States. From history, I have discovered that this one nation has formed after some time into four discrete and self-administering ethnic gatherings, everybody with their own organization (Craig, Yung Borrie, 2012). Every one of them live in the equivalent geographic district and in this manner they have fundamentally the same as apparel style, weapons and food propensities. Directly, I have seen there is one Blackfoot specification with occupants of roughly 10,000 Indians in the United States and an extra 15,000 live in Canada (Ewers, 2012). There are four distinct clans of Blackfoot and they are as per the following: North Peigan Pikuni (Craig, Yung Borrie, 2012) Blackfoot/Siksika Pikuni/Peigan Blood/Kainai History says that the Blackfoot Indians were talented huntsmen and they used to chase wild oxen. In the year 1880s, the white individuals began chasing wild oxen and because of this, in excess of 600 Blackfoot Indians hungry to deprivation because of their dependence on the roughly pulverized bison. Notwithstanding, I can express that everything about four ethnic gatherings split one administrator discourse named Algonquian, however they are free in nature. It is important to make reference to that this discourse is spoken by various other Indian ethnic gatherings in the United States (Dempsey, 2016). References Craig, D. R., Yung, L., Borrie, W. T. (2012). Blackfeet Belong to the Mountains: Hope, Loss, and Blackfeet Claims to Glacier National Park, Montana.Conservation and Society,10(3), 232. Craig, T. (2015). Strategic in Cree-Ojibwe Country.The Canadian Journal of Native Studies,35(1), 162. Dempsey, L. J. (2016).Blackfoot war workmanship: Pictographs of the booking time frame, 18802000. College of Oklahoma Press. Ewers, J. C. (2012).The Blackfeet: pillagers on the northwestern fields. College of Oklahoma Press. Nesper, L. (2012). A quarter century of Ojibwe arrangement rights in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota.American Indian Culture and Research Journal,36(1), 47-78.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Can Learning Strategies Be Taught Should They Be Taught Essay
Can Learning Strategies Be Taught Should They Be Taught Essay Can Learning Strategies Be Taught Should They Be Taught â€" Essay Example > Paper Title: Theoretical Appreciation of the Suitability and Effects of Teaching Learning Strategies in Linguistic Contexts: Learning Strategies vs. Modern Second Language Acquisition TheoriesThesis StatementA class of 20 year old ESP learners with Arabic as their L1 will need and benefit from learning strategies, especially having passed the critical language acquisition age of 12 while still with a low intermediate competence of English. OutlineThe paper is an argumentative piece that is arranged and sectioned specifically to deliver the argument home. To begin with, the paper has an introduction section, which highlights the format and the structure of the argument. This argument is structured as follows: Learning StrategiesThis section seeks to contextualize the semantic conception of the phrase ‘learning strategies’ in linguistic references. It is important to note that in this paper, learning strategies refers to the methods used by second or foreign language learners fr om Saudi Arabia to acquire competence in a target language such that they can comfortably learn in an ESP classroom context. Language Learning StrategiesIn this section, the paper begins a comprehensive literature review of the various language learning strategies developed and documented in post-1975 research findings. Various authors are reviewed on what they conceive as the good language learning strategies. This is important to the understanding of whether such language learning strategies are applicable to the classroom setting. Teaching Learning Strategies in Linguistic Contexts This section is also largely based on literature review of whether learning strategies are applicable in classroom settings and whether they are beneficial. My personal conviction is also contextualized on the relevant literature review in this section. A part of the section is also devoted to elaborating why learning strategies are important to learners based on the popular creative theory of languag e acquisition by Chomsky and later linguists. Theoretical Consensus on Learning Strategies Teaching in SLA Contexts In this section, the objective is to contextualize two available theories on applied linguistics to the argument of the foregoing sections. The section seeks to elaborate why modern theories, particularly Krashen’s monitor theory agrees with the necessity of teaching learning strategies. ConclusionThe conclusion helps tie the loose ends of the argument together and restates the argument’s theme that language learning strategies are not only teachable but also necessary in language learning. IntroductionThis paper aims at discussing whether language learning strategies can and should be taught in a second or foreign language classroom. To begin with, the paper will highlight a conventionally accepted meaning and semantic application of the noun phrase ‘learning strategies’. After this, the paper will then review relevant literature on two issues, the good lang uage learning strategies and an overview the second language learning strategies. Afterwhich, the paper will then discuss the practical situations in which teaching learning strategies in linguistic contexts have worked as backed by scientifically proven Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theories. A few studies about teaching learning strategies based on available literature findings are then highlighted and discussed in terms of their implication. The conclusion will tie together the general theme of the paper. The theme here is to underscore available leaning strategies, how these strategies have faired when taught in linguistic contexts and finally the theoretical consensus behind their ability to amplify second or foreign language acquisition success. The nature of the process of acquiring a language as contemporary research indicates shows that learning strategies can help increase a student’s ability to learn and use the language better, but not to acquire it. That is why the learning must not be over-emphasized at the expense of language acquisition processes (McDonough, 1995).
Friday, May 22, 2020
Plumbing During The Roman Empire Essay - 1728 Words
The water toilet may be a modern invention, but plumbing has existed since 2700 BC with the civilizations of the Indus Valley designing the first plumbing system for its people. However, among the ancient civilizations that became vast civilizations, the Romans attained the use of plumbing and toilets into an art, so much that an individual from the past decade could go to Ancient Rome and understand everything about an ancient toilet easily, even if the lack of comfort might seem unsettling at first. When it comes to plumbing history, all roads, literally, lead to the Roman Empire. Plumbing technology, as well as, the plumbing profession flourished during the Roman Empire in such a way that was not able to be duplicated for one thousand years. The advances in aquifers, sewage, and drainage the Romans made, are still some of the same designs plumbers use today. The Romans, as we now understand, had a slight fixation with aqueducts and baths, to keep their royal family hygienectically clean, as well as appealing, and Rome’s citizen’s hygiene up-to date; kind of hygiene freaks, they were. However, Because of this, plumbing became a profession in its own sense, and the ancient plumber became a trade that would be used, literally around the world. Indoor plumbing was not for everyone, only most wealthy could afford it, and they were charged for the use of public water, and the network that fed the water with a fee based on the size of each pipe they used (History ofShow MoreRelatedClassical Civilizations of Ancient Greece, Rome, and China Essay897 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout history, there have been many civilizations, empires, colonies, and tribes that have impacted the world. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020
Writing De Architectura And The Ten Books On Architecture
One man that was part of many of these guilds was Vitruvius Pollio. He most well known for writing De Architectura or the Ten books on Architecture. It is a compilation of how he thinks architecture should be done. Some of the books include subject on materials, religious, public, and domestic structures, mechanics, clockwork, and panting. This work was originally written in Latin, and dedicated to Octavius, the emperor at the time. Vitruvius wrote these books in the last period of his life, after working for Julius Caesar, and being trusted with the design of siege engines and artillery by Augustus. Once retired, he became Octavia’s patron, and used this time to work on De Architectura. In this writing he points out that an architect†¦show more content†¦Many of the ideas in this book about proportion, and construction are illustrated in the Pantheon. Arguably, one of the most influential structures of Rome was the Pantheon because of its immense size, and the use of concrete for the massive dome. This structure was named the Pantheon most likely because Pliny the elder, a spectator during the time of Vespasian s rule saw this and referred to it as the â€Å"Pantheum†. Although the version of the Pantheon that Pliny the elder saw is not the Pantheon currently in Rome, there are many accounts of what it looked like, and why it was built. Agrippa’s Pantheon, the version that Pliny witnessed, or the original pantheon was built during the Pax Romana. This was a time of peace for the Romans, and to lead them in their endeavors was Emperor Augustus. During this time culture flourished because of there was no need to worry about necessities. From 31 BCE to 14CE the Pantheon was constructed to honor the Julian clan. The result of this was a south-facing rectangular building, with the Thermae of Agrippa, or the Roman public baths to the south. This temple was decastyle, meaning that is had 10 columns on each side. Pliny also mentioned that Diogenes of Athens was commissioned by Agrippa to create the caryatid columns. Caryatid columns are much like sculptures, in that they depict a person, but this person is standing in order to form a column to support another structure. To much dismay this temple was destroyed in the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Xcom Week Free Essays
I can see how this must have been a business nightmare with the storage of this Information. Now with our advance technology we are able to order faster, save information to disc or the hard drive of the business computers which will allow faster references for future sales. With the invention of things like Pad’s, cellular phones, and the many sites which can be utilized to advance business for the businessman/ businesswoman. We will write a custom essay sample on Xcom Week or any similar topic only for you Order Now By utilizing sites like yahoo, face book, and twitter Just to name a few, a business can promote with-in. Most of these sites communicate effectively the current promotions of the business, although this is not to say there are thousands more who do not for they may or may not trust the internet security which is a major concern for any business. Although the business world is ever changing some of the disadvantages are when training new employee’s on these devices and the numbers of errors which could be obtained. The use of Pad’s allows for better time management by allowing the user to see their daily schedule. There are many software programs out there to help with the functions of your business. For instance, Microsoft Office would be a great start for helping to keep your business moving on the right track. Also there are services out there Like offset companies to keep all of your back-up Information safe and secure If there happens to be a failure on your end you can recover all of your Information and feel safe In he knowledge that your business Information Is stored and secure for the future. There Is also the processes of Including and IT department In your organization that will be on site to take care of all your computer needs. Keeping your computers, Information, and server’s safe should be a top priority. Com/285 Week 1 By Madagascar I believe that in the world today the advance technology has helped many businesses which were otherwise struggling. There are places like restaurants and other fast food places which use to put long hours in keeping track of the inventory, information. Now with our advance technology we are able to order faster, save your business moving on the right track. Also there are services out there like offset companies to keep all of your back-up information safe and secure if there happens to be a failure on your end you can recover all of your information and feel safe in the knowledge that your business information is stored and secure for the future. There is also the processes of including and IT department in your organization information, and server’s safe should be a top priority. How to cite Xcom Week, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Medias Influence on Eating Disorders
Introduction We are being worn out daily with information about everything from all over with the flare-up of information technology. We have television delivering news at home, a radio in the family car, and at work the internet. We are being presented with new information at every side with this entire media.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Media’s Influence on Eating Disorders specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through the media, we are able to know what the latest is, what is hottest, and even what is good or bad. Regardless of whether we acknowledge it or not, the truth is that this information influences our choices. These are choices about our dressing styles, where we visit, what we purchase, and our appearance. The media seeks to enlighten us, convince us, entertain us, and change us. The main goal of doing all this is to engage crowds so that advertisers can market their products and services. According to recent research, nearly all food-manufacturing companies use images of slim models to advertise their food. The companies do this regardless of how unhealthy the food might be. Over the years, the media has succeeded in painting a picture that associates thinness with beauty. When the food companies use the images of thin models in their advertisements, they are simply associating the food to being beautiful. This gives people the impression that by eating the food they will be as beautiful as the model in the advert is. This is however not the case since most of those foods are unhealthy and might even cause diseases. Perhaps the biggest effect of how the media influences eating habits is evident in McDonald advertisements. Research shows that McDonald and other fast food companies run flashy adverts that are appealing to customers. In most cases, the people who watch this adverts end up eating the food being advertised regardless of how unhealthy it is. It is surprisi ng to note that the food companies do not warn people on the dangers of too much intake of such foods. Worried about the effect that such adverts have on people’s minds, doctors recently unveiled an advert that showed a dead body in a morgue holding a piece of hamburger from McDonald. This advert was meant to prove to consumers that the fast foods that they take could cause death. The best demonstration to prove that advertisement can influence the food we eat is best seen in the documentary Super Size Me. First, the documentary tries to show us why fast food companies are not genuine in their advertisements. This is achieved by showing just how impossible it is to â€Å"eat one chip.†Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This shows that people have to purchase plenty of what is on sale to get satisfied. This is seen as a conspiracy by companies to get more customers and mor e money. The documentary shows how people destroy their health by continuously eating fast foods. Despite this fact, more people are still rushing to MacDonald for a bite of hamburger something that goes ahead to show just how much the media influences our eating habits. Conclusion Unlike in the past, it is now easier to get information due to the flare up of information technology. Today, everyone is able to know the latest news wherever they are and at any given time. Fast food companies have taken this opportunity to market their products to a receptive society. Due to the influence that the media wields, many people are turning out to try the fast foods that they see in their favorite adverts. This is happening regardless of the health problems associated with these foods. This shows that the media is capable of influencing our eating habits. This essay on The Media’s Influence on Eating Disorders was written and submitted by user Sawyer Collier to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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